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Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Assistive Exoskeleton and Exotendon System for Increased Return of Limb Function after Diabetic Foot Ulcer
This study aims to examine the acceptability and effectiveness of FlyBand to: A) Improve adherence with protective footwear, especially in the at-home environment; B) Improve restoration of motor function through recovery of gait and balance; C) Increase physical activity after post-treatment isolation.
Jeffery Rankin, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Determinants to Limb Preservation in Diabetic Foot Ulceration
This study would like to identify risk factors related to amputations among self-reported Hispanic and Native American patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
Tze-Woei W. Tan, MD
University of Southern California
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Implementing Peer-Pal Support Intervention (PPI) in Low-income Patients with Ischemic Diabetic Foot Ulceration (DFU)
Study would like to develop a peer support program that helps improve ulcer care in patients with diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).
Tze-Woei W. Tan, MD
Casa Colina
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Understanding the Patient-Centered Outcomes for One-stage and Two-stage Brachial Basilic Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Pilot Trial
Study will compare patient-centered outcomes of one-stage and two-stage brachial-basilic arteriovenous fistulas (BBAVF) for hemodialysis access.
Tze-Woei W. Tan, MD
American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
An Open-Label, Multicenter, Outpatient Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Staccato Alprazolam in Study Participants 12 Years of Age and Older with Stereotypical Prolonged Seizures (EP0165)
Extension study of participants who completed EP0162 to assess long-term safety and efficacy following multiple administrations of Staccato alprazolam in study participants with stereotypical episodes of prolonged seizures in an outpatient setting. Study will enroll patients with history of seizures and caregivers of epilepsy patients taking part in the study and able to recognize and observe the study participant’s seizure
Hui Gong, MD
PAREXEL International LLC & UCB Biopharma SRL
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Phase 3 Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of XEN1 101 as Adjunctive Therapy in Focal-Onset Seizures
This double-blind, multicenter, phase 3 trial is being conducted to assess the effect of investigational product XEN1101 vs. placebo on reducing focal seizure frequency on adults diagnosed with focal epilepsy
Susan Shaw, MD
Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Lower Limb Amputation
Pilot testing of a Novel Gait Tracking System for those with Lower-Limb Amputation (Sensoria Walk): A Pilot Study
Pilot testing of a Novel Gait Tracking System for those with Lower-Limb Amputation (Sensoria Walk): A Pilot Study
Jeffery Rankin, PhD
Sensoria, Inc.
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Lower Limb Spasticity
Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to investigate the efficacy and safety of NT201 in the treatment of lower limb spasticity caused by stroke or traumatic injury in adult subjects followed by an open label extension with or without combined upper limb treatment (PATTERN)
Phase 3 study that would like to assess the safety and efficacy of 400 Units [U] of NT 201 in the treatment of adult lower limb spasticity involving the ankle plantar flexors.
Ziyad Ayyoub, MD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
SoCal-SCIMS: A pilot study to include people living with ntSCI in the SCIMS national database.
This pilot project involves the creation of a database on non-traumatic spinal cord injuries (ntSCI), including transverse myelitis, infections, neoplasms, arthritis, degenerative spine problems, and other nontraumatic health conditions.
Philip Requejo, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Rancho Works Café and Gift Shop: Changing the image of disability to ability, one job at a time
The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Rancho Works Café and Gift Shop Program in increasing the return-to-work rate in former Rancho patients with paralysis and are participating in a return to work program. Our goal is to serve as a model for competitive integrated employment - where our graduates are working within an integrated setting earning at least minimum wage or higher and at a rate comparable to non-disabled workers performing the same tasks.
Michele Berro, MA, OTR/L
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Transformation of paraplegic paralysis to overground stepping in humans using non-invasive spinal cord stimulation: a feasibility study
Pilot project that utilizes transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (TSCS) technology in conjunction with various rehabilitation activities and biomechanical assessments to evaluate TSCS' ability to improve lower extremity function in individuals with SCI versus standard clinical practice. Study participation can last up to 2 years and participants will come to Rancho 2-3x a week to perform different activities. Evaluations will occur every 3 months.
V. Reggie Edgerton, PhD
Broccoli Foundation
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Southern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System: Local and National Database
The purpose of this project is to collect and document census and health related information from individuals at the time of sustaining an SCI (Form I) and then at regular follow-up points (Form II) throughout their entire life. Data are collected and stored locally to allow for subsequent analysis of questions related to the prevalence, causes, and treatment of traumatic SCI.
Philip Requejo, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Developing Technology-based Assessment Tools to Improve the Mobility Performance of Manual Wheelchair Athletes
This pilot study leverages low-cost technologies such as smartphone cameras and wearable sensors to develop and evaluate new assessment tools for wheelchair athletes and their coaches.
Jeffery Rankin, PhD
Lakeshore Foundation
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Validation of MENTOR tool to describe bowel dysfunction in inpatient rehabilitation setting and facilitate management across the 1st year post-injury
Multi-center study that will (1) validate a questionnaire-based clinical decision-making tool (called MENTOR) for bowel dysfunction in the acute/subacute population with traumatic Spinal Cord Injury and (2) use the tool from discharge through first year post-injury to describe the progression of bowel dysfunction and if the tool can prompt changes in bowel management when indicated.
Philip Requejo, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
A Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate a community-based, Non-pharmacologic Program to Enhance Active Pain-Management Strategies for Individuals with SCI
This study will conduct a randomized clinical trial to fully evaluate a program for community-based, non-pharmacologic pain management for those with chronic pain after SCI.
Lisa Haubert, DPT
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Aging Well with Disability: Successful Aging Among Individuals with SCI
Study would like to document and investigate factors that promote successful aging across a wide age range of individuals living with SCI and develop models for examining various factors with long-term changes in quality of life.
Philip Requejo, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Who Benefits? Understanding the Formal and Informal Financial Assistance Used to Cope with the Economic Impact of Spinal Cord Injury - Phase II (FAM Study)
This study would like to better understand government benefits and other types of financial assistance used by people after a spinal cord injury to help with daily living expenses as well as identify areas of unmet financial needs and the experience of financial strain after SCI.
Scott, Michael, M.D.
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Evaluating User Effectiveness of a Novel Pressure Sensing System for Pressure Injury Prevention
The goal of this study is to test a new real-time sensor and feedback system aimed at modifying behavior to improve pressure injury prevention efforts.
Jeffery W. Rankin, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Spinal Cord Injury
Understanding the Adaptive Sport and Recreation Needs of Those Living with Spinal Cord Injury
Recruited individuals living with spinal cord injury are administered a one-time anonymous survey during the Spinal Injury games to gain a better understanding of the interests and barriers associated with participating in Wheelchair Sport and Recreation (WCSR).
Jeffery Rankin, PhD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Optimizing Adherence to the Treatment of Sleep Apnea among Patients with Stroke undergoing Inpatient Rehabilitation - SCOUTS Study
In partnership with the University of Washington (UW), our goal is the trial of the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) support intervention, compared to standard support for CPAP use, among Inpatient Rehabilitation (IPR) patients with stroke and Obstructive Sleep apnea (OSA) to determine its effect on CPAP use.
Susan Shaw, MD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
The efficacy of a frequency-tuned electromagnetic field treatment in facilitating the recovery of subacute ischemic stroke patients - a pivotal study
Study would like to assess an investigational device, named BQ 3.0, that produces and delivers non-invasive and extremely low frequencies to stimulate neural networks to reduce disability and promote neurorecovery for those who have suffered an ischemic stroke. The BQ 3.0 is a wearable device that comes with an application and delivers electromagnetic stimulation to measure the relationship between adherence of the device and its outcomes.
Susan Shaw, MD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Sleep for stroke management and recovery trial (Sleep SMART)
Study will test whether treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with Automatically-adjusting continuous positive airway pressure (aCPAP) after recent stroke or high-risk TIA prevents recurrent stroke, acute coronary syndrome, or death.
Susan Shaw, MD
NIH StrokeNet
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Dexterous BMIs for Tetraplegic Humans Utilizing Somatosensory Cortex Stimulation
This study is about a brain-controlled medical device, called a brain-machine interface or BMI, that intends to provide people with spinal cord injury some ability to control an external device such as a computer cursor or robotic limb by using their thoughts along with sensory feedback. The device is implanted at USC then the potential participants are transferred to the Rancho Los Amigos acute care unit for further recovery.
Charles Liu, MD, PhD
California Institute of Technolog
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury Longitudinal Study
The purpose of this project is to create a database that will organize detailed information about people living with traumatic brain injury (TBI) at Rancho. The database will include personal (such as name, age, diagnosis), medical (such as laboratory and imaging results, hospitalizations, rehabilitation) and information obtained from various questionnaires and interviews (for example, problems experienced by TBI patients and quality of life).
Barry Jordan, M.D.
ClinicalTrials.gov Link:
Upper Limb Spasticity
An Integrated Phase I/II, Multicentre, Double-Blind, Randomised, Dysport and Placebo Controlled, Dose Escalation and Dose-Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of IPN10200 in the Treatment of Adult Upper Limb Spasticity (LANTIMA)
This is a Phase 1/2 study that examines the safety and efficacy of varying doses of a novel chimeric recombinant botulinum toxin (IPN10200) vs. Dysport or placebo in treating adult upper limb (AUL) spasticity in stroke or TBI patients.
Ziyad Ayyoub, MD
ClinicalTrials.gov Link: