The Rancho Research Institute (RRI) is committed to ending the cycle of violence in our communities. To this end, RRI is pleased to announce the launch of the Rancho Violence Recovery and Prevention Program (RVRPP). Funded by a grant from the California Community Foundation, RRI has initiated a new partnership with Southern California Crossroads, a non-profit 501c(3) social service agency based in nearby Lynwood, California.
Modeled after similar hospital-based violence intervention programs, the RVRPP aims to identify the best possible interventions that promote Survivors’ recovery from violent injury and reintegration back into their home communities, and develop a validated tool to assess and track the progress of participants’ rehabilitation along their recovery journeys. To achieve these goals, the program is centered upon identifying recent Survivors of Violence among Rancho patients who have sustained life-changing injuries and connecting them with peer counselors, social workers, and case managers to aid them in their rehabilitation journeys throughout the care continuum.
From the outset, each program participant is partnered with a peer counselor who understands the many pitfalls that can occur on the road to recovery. The peer counselor stays closely connected with the participant throughout the entire process, and can serve as both a confidant and coach. By enrolling and engaging in the program, participants will have access to a wide array of both hospital-based and community-level supports, including elements such as accessing benefits, complex case management, support groups, individual counseling, food support, housing, educational assistance, and job-training programs. The team believes that participants are more capable of returning to full, productive lives – apart from violence – when barriers to accessing these support services are minimized or eliminated.
Link to our Partners website: http://SoCalCrossroads.org
HVIP Partner: https://www.harbor-uclatrauma.org/hospital-based-violence-interventio
East Los Angeles College: https://www.elac.edu/Student-Services/DSP-S
Health Alliance For Violence Intervention: https://www.thehavi.org/
Homeboy Industries: https://homeboyindustries.org/
Take Control Therapeutic Services: https://takecontroltherapy.com
Laboratory for Rehab & Sustainable Engineering Poster: Download
Success Stories

If you think that this program might be helpful for you please contact our
program manager so we can explore opportunities for you to participate
Program Manager: Juan Garibay
Email: juang@ranchoresearch.org
Phone: (562) 385-6069
Intake form for new participants